Let's Stick Together Read online

Page 7

  “No,” Michelle pleaded, “please don’t do that to my son.”

  “I didn’t bring him into this, you did,” Wade persisted. “Look, I’m certain Jeremy and Steve were the ones who put you up to telling Eva-Marie the lie. The thing is, I don’t know what their problem is. I’ve never done anything to either of them. I kept them from getting their asses kicked, and I even went to jail for something I didn’t do because Jeremy’s father had weird fixation on me.”

  Michelle’s wry smile caught him off guard.

  “Those guys were always so jealous of you they could barely see straight. You were cool and gorgeous. You got all the girls. You had that badass car you still have. And you never got caught doing anything, but those dopes always did. Plus, your brother was already a rock star before he even graduated high school. Everybody knew you could have been one too back then, but you didn’t even care.”

  “What?” Wade was stunned.

  “Oh, yeah,” Michelle giggled. “I think Jeremy bitched about you being perfect so much, even his dad started to hate you.”

  Wade was struck completely dumb for a few seconds. A year and a half in jail, and years of putting up with craziness from his former friends, and it was all because of immaturity and jealousy? There had to be some other reason, but Wade couldn’t think of a single one. What a fucking waste. The absurdity of it all made him laugh out loud.

  “Michelle,” his smile was broad and genuine, “tell you husband and his friends to grow the fuck up and stay out of my life. If I have to say it again, it will involve lawyers and reporters. Ask them if they really want the world knowing all their business. That tends to happen to people around me. And if there’s any question about it, I’ve got nothing to lose. I didn’t do anything but get railroaded by a dirty cop.”

  At the words dirty cop, Michelle flinched again. Wade eyed her closely, then moved away from her car door.

  “Hey, Michelle, I don’t know what’s going on, and I won’t ask,” he spoke reassuringly, “but if you and your son ever need to get out of a bad situation, you can come to the garage and I’ll help you out. Or you can contact Eva-Marie at the Robinson Foundation if I’m not here. She’ll help you.”

  She stared at him, as if gauging his sincerity.

  “Why would you help me? And especially her. Why would she do anything for me?”

  “Because Eva-Marie is a genuinely good person, Michelle. She truly is. And believe it or not, I’m a good guy, too. Hopefully, good enough to deserve her. But, either way, we’ll take care of you if you need help. Your boy deserves a happy home.”

  Walking back to his car, he called back to her, “It was good seeing you again. Sorry it had to be like this.”

  Driving away, Wade felt as if a huge weight had been lifted.


  Eva-Marie wasn’t answering any of his phone calls. He couldn’t reach her at home, or at her office. He knew it was Sunday, but he’d tried her there anyway, knowing she went in on weekends sometimes. Nothing. She was probably mad as hell at him. He didn’t blame her. But he couldn’t beg her forgiveness if he couldn’t find her.

  After leaving several messages, he gave up and went down to the shop. He raised the bay doors to half mast, then cranked up the music and started working on a car.

  It scared the crap out of Wade when he felt his body being yanked from beneath the car. The ratchet he held clattered to the floor, barely missing his head. He raised his hands, fully ready to throw a punch, but the culprit who grabbed him by the wrists and straddled his chest was Eva-Marie.

  Wade tried to embrace her, but she wasn’t having it.

  “I’ve been looking for you all day,” he told her. She didn’t seem to hear him. Instead, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

  “I have something to say,” she blurted out. “I’ll make it fast, so you can get back to work.”

  “Em,” he started again. This time she reached down with her free hand and covered his mouth.

  “It will be even quicker if you just let me get it over with and don’t interrupt. Please.”

  The sadness in her eyes cut him deeply. He lay still and quiet, no longer certain whether the damage he’d done was fixable or not. When Eva-Marie stood, Wade immediately missed the weight and warmth of her body on his. The thought of never lying beneath her again, seeing her eyes filled with love as she rose above him, hurt to his soul. She loved him, he realized now, though she’d never actually said the words.

  “I thought about what you said. Almost non-stop, to be honest. You talked about how well we should know each other. Well, you’re right. We should know each other better. But maybe I’m not the only one with a problem in that area. You accused me of believing Michelle’s lies about you. Screamed in my face without letting me say a word to defend myself. And since you walked out, I’m assuming you don’t want to hear this, but it needs to be said anyway.”

  Bending down, she poked him in the chest to emphasize each syllable.

  “I never said I believed Michelle.”

  Wade grabbed the spot on his chest. Shit. Eva-Marie poked him hard as hell. He was likely to have a bruise, mad as she was. He’d never seen her like this. Fuck, he was probably going to get dumped.

  Straightening up again, she continued.

  “I only repeated what she said, which is what you asked me to do. By now, I think every woman in the world has been made aware of your pattern with women. You’re the love’em and leave’em kind. It wasn’t news when she told me that, either, Wade. I knew this wasn’t just a fling, but I also knew it wasn’t permanent. However, the only thing I asked was if you were the father of her son. I told you I didn’t thinks so, but the boy looked so much like you I couldn’t be sure. And I remember Michelle hanging around you back then. She used to be all over you all the time.”

  Eva-Marie grimaced, and Wade thought about how cute she was when she wrinkled her nose like that. Also, how determined and final her expression was. His belly flipped over.

  She blew out a tired-sounding sigh.

  “Anyway, I want you to know I don’t think you’re a bastard. Quite the opposite. I’ve always thought you were a great guy. This isn’t going to work, though. I’m sorry. I guess we really are too different. Goodbye, Wade.”

  She turned quickly and ducked under the door. It was like she couldn’t wait to get away from him. It wasn’t pleasant, having the tables turned this way. Eva-Marie might leave him, but he had things of his own to say before she left. Vaulting to his feet, he sprinted after her.


  She wasn’t stopping. In fact, she might have sped up when she heard him call her name.

  “Em. Come on. Stop. I need to talk to you. Wait a damn minute, Em. Please.”

  He had one hand on the car door and one hand on her arm. He could feel her stiffen in his grasp before going limp and allowing him to maneuver her body into a position where she couldn’t escape. Eva-Marie did not look happy about it. Not one little bit.

  “Em, honey, I’ve been looking for you all over so I could apologize.”

  She turned away and refused to look at him. Disappointed, Wade slid his hands down her arms to grasp her hands, and continued to be as sincere as he knew how to be.

  “I mean it, Em. I must have called you a dozen times. I drove to your home, your office, and even to a couple of the places you hang out. To tell you the truth, I feel like a fucking stalker.”

  Still no reaction. This was bad. It didn’t matter. He was prepared to do as much heavy duty groveling as it took. Losing Eva-Marie was not an option.

  “Look, baby,” Wade squeezed her hands, and she finally lifted her tear-filled gaze to his. Oh, hell, she was crying, and it was all his fault. The princess should never shed tears over a nobody like him. He definitely didn’t deserve them. Maybe she was right to cut her losses and run. He would probably serve her better by letting her, though it would kill him to do it.

  “I’m really sorry, okay? As soon as I calme
d down, I realized none of it was your fault, and you were being used to get back at me. I overreacted.” Wade panicked when Eva-Marie pulled one of her hands away. But it was only to wipe at her tears. Pulling a clean towel from his pocket, he gently dabbed at them himself. Damn, he loved this woman. Losing her would break him like nothing else had.

  “Thank you,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. Always the polite princess. “I was mad, but you scared me, too. I’ve never seen you freak out like that.”

  “I went off because it’s important to me how you see me. You’re my princess.” Wade stroked a finger across the softness of her cheek, and dragged his thumb along her plump bottom lip, hoping he’d get to kiss it again. “I know I’ll never be worthy of you, but I wanted to be more than just a jailbird or grease monkey love’em and leave’em guy from high school to you.”

  Wade brought Eva-Marie’s hand he still held to his lips and kissed it. He tried to release her and walk away, but she stubbornly held on to him.

  “I’m no princess.” She gave a harsh sounding laugh. “And you’re no jailbird,” she snapped at Wade. “We both know you were innocent.”

  She was irritated with him. The Canberra in her accent was thick, and her golden eyes flashed like those of an ancient goddess.

  “How dare you think I’m so shallow, as if I was just some society girl who wanted to go slumming. For your information, Wade Davies, you’re not a grease monkey to me. You’re a businessman, and an entrepreneur. A pioneer. A brand. You’re a fucking rock star.” Eva-Marie moved in closer, cradling Wade’s face in her hands. He could see the sincerity in her eyes. Could practically see straight through to her soul.

  “You’re my friend, my lover,” Eva-Marie continued, while Wade’s heart pounded hard enough to beat right out of his chest. “The sexiest damned man on the planet, and the only man I’ve ever loved. But every time I think you’re mine, something happens to mess it up.”

  “You love me,” Wade repeated, happy for the confirmation. “I love you, too.”

  Gathering Eva-Marie close, he simply held her. Never again would he take for granted how amazing it was to have her in his arms.

  “I’m yours, Em. And you’re mine. Nothing is going to change that, I promise,” he whispered into her russet curls. “Let’s stick together from now on. I’m never letting you go.”

  “Good,” she spoke against his chest. “Sticking together is good.”

  Chuckling, Wade leaned in to seal their new bond with a kiss, which quickly turned passionate. His hands roamed every familiar curve of Eva-Marie’s body with new appreciation. Her answering caresses were just as wickedly hot as his, touching him everywhere she could reach, and making him wish for so much more.

  “We need to take this inside unless you want to give all the neighbors a show.”

  Startled, she tried to pull away from him, but Wade held her tight. He’d be hanging on to her from now on.

  “Come on.” He drew her alongside him toward the bay doors.”

  “Hey, will that rolling thing you were lying on support us?” Eva-Marie wanted to know.

  “The creeper? Ooh, you dirty girl,” Wade teased, swatting her on the butt.

  Eva-Marie blushed, still waiting for an answer.

  “No, unfortunately, I don’t think so. But, I’ll reinforce one just for us to play with. I’ll do it tomorrow.”

  She giggled, a sound Wade was glad to hear. Keeping Eva-Marie happy was his main goal in the future. After locking down the garage, he took her upstairs and sat on the sofa, pulling her onto his lap.

  “Are you sure, Em, that being with me is enough for you?”

  “Yes, baby,” she answered without hesitation. “I love you. I always have. You’re all I need.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, Wade repeated, “I love you, too, Em. You’re my world.”

  “Show me,” she challenged.

  Of course, he complied.


  Sealing his lips to hers, Wade kissed Eva-Marie, trying to make her forget everything except how much she was adored.


  Thanks as always to Sassie and Willsin, both are genius at what they do. They provide me with unending mentoring and guidance. I love them the mostest.

  All my love to Benjamin, Genia, Nina, Chad, and

  Marie, the best support system ever.

  And special thanks go out to model Kenolivier Gisbert for bringing life to Wade.

  Chandra Crawford has been an avid reader since she learned the alphabet at age 3. She enjoys almost any type of fiction, and has always dreamed of being a writer. A hopeless romantic herself, her characters tend to lead her in that direction.

  Her stories are like cotton candy- hot, sweet fluff that melts in your mouth and leaves you happy. Romance with a heavy dose of smut, designed to entertain, titillate, and inspire some naughty fun.

  Completely in love with book boyfriends, Chandra is currently in search of her own billionaire cowboy exNavy SEAL sugar daddy to be her submissive.
